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Practitioner Seed # 14: Treat the Person or the Injury?

Crassshhhhh, boooom, THUD.... As your car changes gear there is an almighty sound, as if the whole bottom end of…

Practitioner Seed # 13- Learn your timelines

Imagine you are embarking on a road trip for the holidays....   You must pre-plan your trip Choose your destination,…

Practitioner Seed #12: Plan Like a Pro

So you have kicked off your very first role in private practice.... How can you possibly know the times it…

Practitioner Seed # 11: Be the Conservative Advocate!

I saw a surgeon who told me that I need surgery to fix my meniscus otherwise my knee will wear…

Practitioner Seed #10: Master Your Manual Skills?

I just feel like it needs to be cracked back into place My hips are out and need to be…

Practitioner Seed #9: Know when to Go & when to Woah!

  We have all experienced that sinking feeling when you see your patient LIMP in for their review consultation! Why…



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